Who Else Wants To Join Thousands of Men and Women From All 4 Corners of The World Who Have "Burned The Fat"... Melting Away Up To 137, 162, 194,218 Pounds... And Completely Transforming Their Bodies... Permanently, Safely And Naturally?
"My initial weight: 425+ lbs... Walking 10-15 steps was killer then. Today: 218 Lbs of fat put to rest! It changed my very foundation in life; there's absolutely no feeling like having control of your entire life again, there's just no price you can put on it"- Mike Boyd, Inner Circle Member
As Seen In...
From The Desk Of Kyle Battis,
Manager, Burn The Fat Inner Circle
Dear Friend,
The success stories just keep pouring in. The amazing before and after photos and testimonials below are just a tiny sample.
Tens of thousands of men and women in 141 countries worldwide have experienced the most astonishing body transformations by using the powerful and proven principles of Tom Venuto's BURN THE FAT, FEED THE MUSCLE (BFFM) system.
Maybe you've read the e-book and you're already one of them, or maybe this is the first time you've ever heard of Burn The Fat or Tom Venuto.
Either way, you've just found the "missing element" - the one thing most people ignore or forget - that can give you back control of your health and your life, restore your self-confidence and natural energy, transform your body shape and help you lose all the weight you want - and KEEP IT OFF - in a safe, natural and healthy way.
The Truth About Body Transformation, Which You Will Discover Inside
Tom's New "For Member's Only" Website, Can Rarely be Found
ANYWHERE Else, On or Off The Internet, And Here's Why...
IT'S RARE that someone in the fitness industry has the guts (and honesty) to step forward and tell the truth about fitness and weight loss: The truth that there's no quick fix, no easy way, and no "exercise in a bottle"...
IT'S RARE that someone says, "We live in a reciprocal universe of cause and effect, where you can only get back what you put in, so be prepared to put in a lot of hard work... and smart work"
IT'S RARE that someone says, "The shape your body is in today isyourown doing - the result of a lifetime of choices you've made, and only after you've stared in the mirror at the real source of your problem and pledged a declaration of personal responsibility, do you finally have the power to change"...
Most "gurus" tell you, "it's easy"... "it's not your fault"... and... "I have the magic cure." For more than two decades, Tom has been preaching "PERSISTENCE", "HARD WORK" and "RESPONSIBILTY" and he's been delivering effective, science-based health and fitness solutions that work.
Tom believes that this honest "here's what it really takes" approach is the only true way to master LIFELONG health and fitness. Everything else is just a quick fix. The breathtaking results his readers and members have achieved are undeniable proof of how effective his fat-burning philosophy is...
Now, The World's Leader in Natural Fat Loss Has Created And Perfected Something New - An "Inner Circle" - a "Society of Fitness Achievers"...
And YOU Are Invited To Try A Charter Membership... FREE, If You Choose...
"When I started the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM) program last August I was 280 lbs. My body fat% was over 39%. It is now April - 8 months later - and my weight is 195 lbs and my BF% is around 12%. WOO HOO! LOOK AT ME! With my BFFM "bible" and the priceless support and encouragement from everyone at the Inner Circle, I'm turning it up a notch or two and now working hard on achieving my goal of 6-8 BF%. To Tom and everyone involved with the Inner Cirle... I THANK YOU ALL - Michael, Inner Circle Member
"I downloaded Tom's BFFM e-book about 3 years ago and STILL refer to it often - rereading chapters and reinforcing what I've learned. Now there's an internet community for us to connect, share, and learn with each other...to inspire each other. Awesome! Thanks!" - Patricia, Inner Circle member
"I've lost 34 lbs over the last 4 months with Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle, and now that I've found the Inner Circle, I'm going to STAY fit. Great Web site!" - Scot, Burn The Fat Inner Circle member
"Thank you to the whole Burn The Fat Inner Circle team for providing SO much amazing content - free of advertisers/sponsors!! Truly a feat." - Kellie, Burn The Fat Inner Circle member
"Hey everyone... I just wanted to introduce myself and share my excitement and good vibes about this site... no book on exercise or nutrition ever made much sense to me until I got Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. I'm looking forward to the same thing from the Inner Circle website, and I am really looking forward to gaining additional insight/motivation on health and fitness beyond the book." - Casey, Inner Circle member
"At the age of 44, I needed to find something to get my metabolism moving. I found it with BFFM. Been on BFFM for 2 years now. Couldn't have made a better choice. Started at 184 lbs with 19% body fat. I've been maintaining for the last year at 155 lbs and 4% bodyfat. Hard work pays off. Eat right and totally commit to cardio (HIIT), lifting, goals and most importantly, proper nutrition 5 times a day. Every day. Good luck, stay fit and stay tuned to BFFM for a lifetime." - Scott, Burn The Fat Inner Circle Member
What's so Different About Tom Venuto and his Burn The Fat Method,
And What's This NEW "Inner Circle" All About?
Tom is an accomplished STEROID-FREE bodybuilder who has competed 28 times. His titles include the Mr. Natural New Jersey, Natural Pennsylvania, Natural New York State, Natural Mid Atlantic States and NPC Natural Eastern Classic championships - all fully drug-tested. As you can see by looking at his pictures, he absolutely walks the walk and sets the example for all his followers.
I cannot stress enough the importance of having a coach and role model who knows what it takes to get in shape NATURALLY. Surely if you watch the news, you can appreciate this when you hear about all the DRUG SCANDALS in the Olympics, baseball and other professional sports today. Turns out, many of our "heroes" were "on the juice!"
But maybe you didn't know about the magazine models and before and after "transformations" who got their artificial bodies from gulping fistfuls of steroids, diuretics, hormones and other fat burning drugs, and then had the bald-faced audacity to claim it was some miracle supplement that got them their six pack abs! Meanwhile, the supplement companies were paying them for their fraudulent endorsements. Phonies!
But in the end, the truth has been EXPOSED. The liars and cheaters got BUSTED! Today, only a few natural stars are left shining through. Tom is one of those few - the last of a dying breed: principled, ethical and dedicated to helping other people.
For the 20+ years Tom has been coaching and competing, he's had the integrity to stay CLEAN and encourage others to do the same through all his writing in his newsletters, websites and books.
Tom'sBurn The Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book has been a best seller on the Internet since 2002! His hard cover book, The Body Fat Solution hit #1 on Amazon.com days after its release, and shot to "national besteller" in just months.
He has been featured in IRONMAN magazine, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness magazine, Men's Exercise magazine, Men's Fitness Magazine, First For Women Magazine, Oprah Magazine, The Huffington Post, The New York Times and even The Wall Street Journal. He's been interviewed on over two dozen radio shows including WCBS New York, ESPN-1250, Martha Stewart's Healthy Living (Sirius Radio) and BlogTalk Radio.
Although Tom is a world renowned expert, in demand by the fitness magazines and national media, he's actually a very private, somewhat shy person who doesn't care much about being in the spotlight - he cares only about the people who trust him for health and fitness advice.
This is no hype either - Tom is rarely seen at the "silicone, steroids and synthol" pro bodybuilding shows or fitness industry expos, where supplement salesmen prowl, because he never fit in with the overly greedy, immoral attitudes perverting the marketplace today. A prominent writer who noticed this once called Tom an "outlaw bodybuilder" - a tag that stuck for quite a while.
The truth is, for almost two decades, Tom's primary business has been "under the radar" one-to-one personal training, one-to-one coaching and online coaching. Today, through his private "Inner Circle" membership site, he prefers to use his lifetime of knowledge and experience to continue helping people in an intimate, personal way, to help you take your body and your health to a whole new level...
With the expert Personal mentoring, motivational coaching, social support, and credible scientific information about what to eat and how to train, right at your fingertips, 24 hours a day, you can work near miracles on your body and your health...
As a Member of Tom's Burn The Fat Inner Circle, You Will:
Strip off belly fat - both the dangerous "visceral fat" and the ugly stuff below your skin (subcutaneous fat)
Lose the last 10-15 pounds of stubborn fat (women: hips, butt, thighs, triceps... Men: lower abs, love handles and even "man boobs")
Prepare for a fitness, figure or bodybuilding contest, if you choose (do it for fun, or get serious and learn how to eat your competition alive!)
Gain lean muscle - just a little "tone" or actually add some size, if you want it
Increase your strength - overall strength, strength in specific lifts or everyday "functional strength"... and...
Achieve optimal health at the same time; reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol, lower your disease risk, improve bone density and manage your blood sugar.
But it's not just these physical changes that are the best part. The real win for you is what these changes in your body will do for your quality of life and how you feel every day...
Having a Fit and Lean Body Doesn't Just Reward You Physically...
Once You've Transformed Your BODY, what happens to you on a mental, emotional, social and even spiritual level is even MORE Exciting! You Will:
Feel more confident in shorts, a tank top or a bikini (or naked!)
Feel better about yourself and even reduce depression
Look more attractive (and attract someone attractive!)
Increase your energy and vitality
Be more social, enjoying pool parties or time at the beach
Be more active with your family
Re-ignite your passion for LIFE!
How do we know this? Because our Burn The Fat Inner Circle members told us!
Over and over, year after year, men and women have shared their emotional stories of transformation and explained how the Burn The Fat LIFESTYLE has completely changed their lives (you'll be able to listen to them tell their stories and reveal their body transformation secrets once you are a member as well - listen to an inspiring sample clip below):
"I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!"
"I used the BURN THE FAT program to lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. BURN THE FAT has also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible.
I believe that your entire success can be traced back to something as simple as desire. I need you to ask yourself one simple question - 'How Bad Do You Want It?' If you want it bad the battle is on and you can win, you just have to keep that desire fueled."
- Mike Ogorek, Inner Circle Member
"My Goal Was To Be a 'Hot 40-Year-Old Mamma' And I Think I've Achieved That!"
"I am a 40 year old mom from South Africa. I have 3 children, aged 11, 6 and 4. My weight before was 85kg?s my body fat was 36.5%, size 40. I was fat and miserable, and my family life and my relationship were suffering. I was not able to do anything with my kids, and I was tired and constantly irritated.
I've always counted calories, but this just wasn't working for me anymore. Someone my husband knows had done the Burn The Fat programme and it had changed his life, so I decided to do it too. I lost 15kg?s within 8 months and kept it off.
In the last 3 months, because of my training and desire to be "hot at 40," I've taken this to a new level. Tom taught me how to control my carb intake and I have lost another 8kg?s in this time and am preparing for my first competition, in the bikini or figure division. My current weight is 62.5kg?s, size 33 and my body fat is 24% (with calipers), and dropping.
My goal was to be a ‘hot’ 40 year old Mamma, and I think I have achieved that and I am very proud of myself, as are my family and friends. Thank you Tom, for all your dedication to helping people."
- Bonnie VanNiekerk, Inner Circle Member
If They Can Do It, YOU CAN Do It Too!
Is Mike some kind of superman? Is Bonnie any different than you? Nope. If you played the short audio clips, you heard it in their own words - they are just like you - spouse, kids, school, job, housework, commute and a long struggle with weight gain... which they overcame with the right mental attitude, the right information and a lot of hard work. If they can do it, so can you... The Only question is, How Bad Do You Want It?
If you don't want it bad... if you're "bandwagon hopper", just looking for the newest fad, the "next big thing" or a rapid weight loss fix, forget it - you have not come to the right place. On the other hand, if you DO want it badly, then...
It doesn't matter if you've failed before, or if you've fallen for fad diets, or if you've made poor choices in the past - who hasn't? It's never too late to change the direction of your life, and there's no situation or condition that cannot be improved, transformed and transcended.
It doesn't matter if you are 100 pounds or more overweight; our members have lost up to 218 pounds and we even have a 100 lbs club support forum to help you if you have a lot of weight to lose.
It' doesn't matter if you are over 40, or even over 60! We have members in their 50's, 60's and 70's and they've achieved remarkable health and physical condition - and they'll even show you how they did it!
It doesn't matter if you're totally out of shape, heck, everyone is in the beginning. You could be so out of shape you gasp for air walking up one flight of steps... it just doesn't matter, we have members that have gone from couch potatoes to marathon runners.
It doesn't matter if you don't have a drop of motivation in your body; whether you just can't seem to get started or have trouble sticking with it... either way, it's not a problem because we teach you the mindset and psychology of how to get motivated and stay motivated.
THIS is what's in store for you... IF you come on board with us and embrace the lifestyle approach you'll learn as a member of our one of-a-kind community...
The Burn The Fat Inner Circle...
The Internet's Premier Fat Loss Support Community
I'm really excited about this, so I've gotten a bit ahead of myself. Let me back track for a moment. My name is Kyle Battis, Tom Venuto's partner, and manager of the Burn The Fat Inner Circle - so yes, I AM biased.
But I believe in this, because I've been behind the scenes working with Tom on this website for more than three years, so I've seen the dramatic difference this has made in thousands of people's lives. I've also been in the fitness business a LONG time, so I've seen a lot of gimmicks come and go - especially on the Internet.
That's why I'm so excited to tell you about this amazing membership opportunity where you can get trustworthy, legitimate information and belong to an incredible, inspiring group of people - we call them "fitness achievers" because they're not just setting fitness goals, they're achieving them!
With this membership website, a whole new element has been added into the fitness and fat loss picture. For millions of people, the combination of information and education with support and motivation are the missing pieces of the puzzle that have been keeping them locked and chained inside a overweight or obese and unhealthy body, and holding them back from reaching their goals and dreams...
But what we're offering is not for everyone. We're not looking for just anyone to join our member ranks... we're looking for a committed group of men and women - the top 5% - the fitness achievers who have already made the decision to change and are determined to become the most fit, lean, healthy, energetic and successful in the world.
We're looking for people who are READY: People who have tried the diets, tried the pills, tried the exercise gimmicks and are now fed up with the short cuts that let you down time after time and finally realize that you're ready to make a permanent life change.
If this sounds like you, or if this sounds like the type of person you want to become, then please take a look at what you're going to get with your membership...
The Privileges and Benefits You'll Enjoy When You Become a Member of This Special Support Community, Master Mind group and Educational Resource Center... The Burn The Fat Inner Circle!
Direct Access To Tom Venuto, author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle & The Body Fat Solution - Anyone who has read Tom's books or is familiar with the high caliber and integrity of his work who doesn't take advantage of this almost too-good-to-be-true opportunity to get personal coaching from him directly, is certifiably crazy! There is only ONE forum on the Internet where you can directly "ask Tom anything" - the Burn The Fat Inner Circle.
Community - Create a member profile, share photos, add friends, find a training/accountability partner or join the discussion in our well-managed forums, which buzz with activity every day. Post your progress reports and photos if you want accountability from your fellow ?Burners." Many psychologists and coaches believe that accountability and community social support are the most POWERFUL motivational forces in the world.
Burn The Fat Q & A Knowledgebase and Article Library - Browse the Inner Circle?s huge data base of question and answer columns for information about training, nutrition, motivation and every other topic related to getting leaner, healthier and more muscular. An amazing wealth of knowledge. Best part: if your question is not already in the archives, you can just ask Tom and the Inner Circle experts right on the discussion forums!
MP3 and streaming audio interviews and podcasts - Download members-only podcasts and interviews with Tom Venuto and other fitness experts that you can load into your MP3 player or burn to CD. Listen while you drive or exercise or stream the audio right from your computer... then apply what you learn and watch your motivation and results skyrocket.
Nutrition Calculators - Amazing, push-button calorie calculators, not available anywhere else online (because they were custom-built for us by tech-whiz programmers), will take out the guesswork and show you exactly how much to eat for burning fat, maintaining your weight or gaining muscle. Other calculators at your fingertips 24-7 include body fat, macronutrients, ideal water intake, target bodyweight, cooking conversions and calories burned.
Delicious Fat-Burning Recipes - Forget about deprivation and bland rabbit-food diets. Try our delicious, original recipes, all created and taste-tested by Tom himself. Fast to make for busy time-strapped lifestyles and no previous cooking experience is required (Tom is a self-confessed former "kitchen dummy"). Who knew that eating clean and lean could taste so GOOD?
Mind and Motivation Secrets - It's not the physical training, but the MENTAL training that's the key to long-term behavior change, and it's really very simple, once you know the secret. You will learn the skills to stick with any diet or exercise program, almost effortlessly, by re-programming the deepest recesses of your subconscious mind, where your self-image and your automatic, habitual behaviors are hidden!
Science and Research Reviews - No other fitness expert on the planet puts this much work, analysis and pure time-intensive study into the search for important breakthroughs from universities and laboratories across the world, which - if you apply them - could catapult your results. Tom sifts through more research studies every month than most people will see in a lifetime. His dedication to double-checking every recommendation through the gauntlet of critical thinking and a stringent verification process ensures that you're given accurate, up-to-date and complete information.
Inspirational Fitness and Weight Loss Success Story Interviews - In these inspiring audio MP3 and written interviews, you'll get to know some of our most successful members on a personal level. As you listen, you'll hear Inner Circle members reveal exactly how they lost 50, 71, 137, even 218 pounds of fat, despite challenges such as injury or illness and despite busy day to day lives with family, work and daily stresses. These are NOT just testimonials - these fascinating case studies are like success blueprints.
Impartial Science-Based Supplement Reviews - Tom Venuto's advertisement-free Inner Circle is untainted by the vested interests of supplement company endorsement contracts or affiliate programs. What's more, Tom's unique system of delivering specific recommendations protects you from paying too much, being taken by crooked companies that pitch worthless, un-researched snake oil or getting hurt by dangerous products that might be toxic to your liver, heart or even your brain. If you take any supplements at all, this information could save you a fortune. If you have hidden health problems, this advice could save your life.
"If you want to know the truth about rapid fat loss while saving potentially thousands in supplement expenses, then Tom Venuto is your man. Tom pulls no punches in regards to nutrition and supplementation (as he is not owned by any supplement company) and he lays out exactly what it really takes to get in and stay in shape."
- Adam Waters, Accountability coach,
Inner Circle Member & Contributor
You Also Get Instant Access To More Than 20 Members-Only Burn The Fat Discussion Forums Where Thousands Of Men And Women Get Together To "Master-Mind", Share Ideas, Learn, Motivate And Grow!
Log into our Inner Circle forums as often as you like, 24 hours a day. Browse anonymously if you choose, or better yet, get involved in the discussions, get answers from fitness pros and connect with people just like you. Become a part of the community and you will tap into the true power of social support, accountability and community.
There's a whole different "vibe" and different class of people inside a private, members-only forum. The energy is 100% positive and supportive. It's nothing like you will ever find on public forums.
Main Burn The Fat Forum
Beginner's Forum
Female Fat Loss Forum
Fat Loss After 40 Forum
Recipes Forum
Home Training Forum
Fitness Equipment Forum
100 Pound Club
Find a Training Partner Forum
Cardio Forum
Weight Training Forum
Contest Preparation Forum
Goals And Motivation Forum
Supplements Forum
Gaining Muscle Forum
Progress Journals Forum
Plus, You Get Access to the E-book and Special Report Download Library...
And They're ALL Yours To Keep Just For Trying The Inner Circle
Your membership to the Inner Circle gives you instant accesss to an entire LIBRARY crammed full of e-books and downloads, worth hundreds of dollars. There are too many to list here, but here's a small sample of some of our most popular titles:
Fighting Female Flab Over 40: If you think "over 50" means "over the hill," then you've never met Maxine Johnson. Maxine took up the fitness lifestyle in her mid 30's, was in the best shape of her life at 40, competed in her first fitness competition at 53 and was winning fitness and figure contests at 56. If you're female and would like to know how you can develop a fat-free, fit and fabulous bod after age 40 or 50, after having children, while holding down a job and managing life crises and stresses of all kinds, then you need to read every word of this exclusive interview.
The Best Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone: Bodybuilders have known for years that testosterone builds muscle and burns stubborn fat. You don't have to resort to steroids to boost your male hormone levels. In this exciting special report, Men’s Health magazine columnist Christian Finn draws on the latest findings from over 70 cutting edge research studies. Inside, you'll discover how to quickly boost your testosterone levels by making small changes to what you eat and how you exercise.
Extreme and Controversial Fat Loss Techniques. Cardio on an empty stomach. Not eating at night. Ketogenic diets. Very high protein. Low calorie rapid fat loss diets. High volume cardio. No food after cardio. These are just a handful of the controversial rapid fat loss techniques that are analyzed for risks versus benefits in this revealing 27 page report. See 14 extreme fat loss critiqued on the 3 point risk to benefit scale and find out (a) if these methods work at all and (b) if they work, are they also too risky for you?
The "Super Lean" Seminar. In this revealing live seminar transcript, Tom will teach you the "Secret Weapon" strategies to reach hyper-low body fat, achieve the Ripped Abs look and even get photo shoot or competition lean. You'll learn cutting-edge fat-burning nutrition tactics as well as mental focus and motivation techniques, including why the last 10 pounds is so hard to lose (and what to do about it), how to break any fat loss plateau, and how to harness the power of positive and negative motivation, plus much more.
It's Like a Gold Mine of Health and Fitness Widsom!
All the e-books and e-reports in the Inner Circle library are yours for instant download so you can put this treasury of knowledge to use and start getting more results today.
And The Most Powerful Benefit of All...
SOCIAL SUPPORT - When you're about to collapse in a moment of temptation or blow off your workout, a support partner could be the ONE THING to keep you strong and nudge you back on track. Lets face it, doing it alone - just you and your willpower - is a NIGHTMARE! The missing element that makes everything stick is PEOPLE. But not just anyone, because so many people are sabateurs. When you get help from uplifting people and soak up their positive energy - WHAM! - your diet, training, and even the way you handle stress, all get easier.
"I am 56-year-old Grandma of 4 from Queensland, Australia with a long standing enjoyment of gym work. It is amazing to be part of a worldwide circle of like-minded people." - Valerie, Inner Circle member
"When you combine the positive attitude of the members here with the knowledge, there is really no direction to go but winning." -Tim, Inner Circle Member
"I am really jazzed about the inner circle! I already feel right at home here. Like minds, Like goals, Like problems, infinite solutions! - Lisa, Inner Circle member
"I am very excited about this site. The support and discussion from people who are going through the same things as me is so helpful. I'm sure it'll help me with achieving my goals." - Natasha, Burn The Fat Inner Circle member
"Wow! I am so delighted by the energy of this community. There's such diversity, knowledge, compassion and honesty. Initially, I thought I'd be intimidated thinking you were all hard bodies. And though you all are (or will soon be!), I realize by reading your posts, that to get there, we've all taken a journey. And it's from your journey's experiences I'm truly looking forward to learning."- Jenny, Burn The Fat Inner Circle Member
Does YOURCIRCLE of Friends Lift You UP or Drag You DOWN?
Your circle of friends and co-workers has a massive impact on your attitude, your energy and how you spend your time (and therefore, a massive impact on your body and your health).
How many pessimists, sabateurs, complainers, critics and energy vampires are you surrounded by every day? "It'll never work!" "Have another beer! ... "One piece of cake won't hurt," "Life's too short to be in the gym all the time; come on, live a little!" Sound familiar?
I'm not saying you should dump your current set of friends and associates, but you MUST analyze the effect other people are having on you. You've GOT TO get around more positive people to counter-balance any negativity in your life. Hanging out with malicious people who undermine your efforts is like committing slow suicide.
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine said that being FAT IS "SOCIALLY CONTAGIOUS!" Fortunately, being fit and healthy is also "contagious" and the Inner Circle is a place where you can literally PLUG INTO a daily charge of positive energy. It's not only a wealth of knowledge and information from fitness experts, it's a community of POSITIVE, health-minded people just like you.
Many of our long-time members have already transformed their bodies and are now "paying it forward" as mentors and shining inspirations to others. They have been in your shoes. They understand what you're going through. With support, you can weather the tough times and resist temptations.
"Who'd have thought that someone who was 356 pounds would ever become an endurance athlete? It is mind blowing."
"When I was turned down to become a bone marrow donor because I was so overweight and had sky-high blood pressure and cholesterol, it was a wake up call. It took time, but I lost 173 pounds and am now on the bone marrow registry. I'm currently working with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise money for blood cancer research by cycling 100 mile "Century" rides for Team In Training.
Who'd have thought that someone who was 356 pounds would ever become an endurance athlete? It is mind blowing.
For me, the beauty of the Burn The Fat program is that I can change up my food and not lose muscle and yet still lose weight while eating enough carbs and protein to please my body’s training needs! WOW! For me, the flexibility of the program has been key. I'm able to track my results and make corrections each week. You don't have that luxury with using other rigid weight loss programs.
- Ce Ce Evola, Burn The Fat Inner Circle member
"I Was 40, Fat and Frumpy. Now I'm 40 and Fit. Today I weigh 106 pounds and I Wear a Size 0!"
"One day, I came across a picture of me¬Ö and I barely recognized myself! At 5' 1", and150 pounds I had to face the fact that I was 40 and Fat. I had no idea I had "let myself go" so much. So I decided to make some changes. Somehow, I happened upon Burn The Fat and ordered. It was the best money I ever spent.
Today, I am 106 pounds, and I wear a size 0 (zero!) I am a personal trainer helping other women achieve their goals. I am a mom that can keep up with my kids. My self-confidence has soared. I actually competed in two figure competitions this year - something I never would have dreamed possible before!
- Aida Miodus, Inner Circle Member
How Much is Something Like This Worth?
Most people blow $200 a month or more so called fat-burners. Tom refuses to endorse or sell "magic pills" and the Inner Circle is supplement advertisment-free. This alone could save you thousands of dollars.
To get Tom to coach you personally would cost $995 for his cheapest coaching program - if he were even available. Tom's hourly rate starts at $250.00. For an online community loaded with so much to offer, you'd expect to pay at least $29.95 per month (X 12 months = $359 annually). To hire a personal trainer or nutritionist would cost you $70 - $80 or more - PER HOUR.
But to join the Burn The Fat Inner Circle and get access to Tom and world-class fitness and nutrition advice, you won't pay anywhere near that amount. You won't blow a couple grand or more a year on supplements. You won't pay $995.00. You won't pay $250 an hour.
As part of our charter membership phase, we are still offering discounted membership rates... All you pay is $97 - foranentireyear of membership privileges!
Our members will attest that this is an amazing value, especially since the ebooks and MP3 programs in the download library (not to mention the personal access to TOM) are worth more by themselves than what we're charging for unlimited access to EVERYTHING in the site.
"Tom Venuto is a credible, qualified professional who knows his stuff. More than that, he has a genuine concern for the people he's helping. His Inner Circle is a premier quality resource - well worth the money, and a benefit to anyone, anywhere of any age who is trying to lose weight. I highly recommend it!"
- Paul Crane,
Ultimate Fat Burner.com
"Every day there's a new fitness "guru" popping up on the Internet trying to tell you the 'secrets that nobody else will tell you.' There's thousands of fitness blogs, newsletters and websites. Anybody can post a slew of myths and they're instantly taken as facts as much as a credible website. But the consumer, unless educated, can't tell the difference. It's just one more reason that I'm a proud Burn The Fat Inner Circle member. I get the facts correct the first time. Thanks go to Tom for turning down the volume on all the noise lately and giving us a space to learn about facts and science in a pollution-free environment."
- Marc David, Inner Circle Member & Contributor NoBullBodybuilding.com
If this all sounds good, just wait, this deal just gets better and better...
Charter Membership To This Group Means That Your Rate Is
Guaranteed For Life... If You Join Now
Since we started offering these new membership plans and we launched our new affiliate program and publicity campaign, there's been a virtual stampede of new members rushing in to take advantage of the low charter prices. As enrollment swells and the Inner Circle expands with new services and features, our rates WILL be going up, so we cannot guarantee these prices will be available in the future.
However, if you join now during our charter membership phase, then as long as you stay a member of the Inner Circle, you'll benefit from something called "the grandfather clause."
This means that after the charter membership phase is over, our membership rates will be going up and all new members will have to pay the new, higher membership fees. But as a charter member, if you renew before your membership expires, you get to keep your low charter rates - FOR LIFE - as long as you remain a current member in good standing.
Even if the content library and list of services in the Inner Circle double or triple every month, even if our operating expenses go up, even if there's inflation, and even if the prices for new members double a year or two from now, you will still get to keep your charter rate! Now that's a bargain... Charter Membership is a once In a Lifetime "ground-floor" opportunity.
You Not Only Have Our Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee,
You Also Have Our Inner Circle Promise:
We guarantee you will be satisfied with the benefits of membership.
We guarantee you will see measurable changes in your body - you will lose fat, shrink your waistline, gain muscle in all the right places and totally change your body shape. But that's not all.
We promise you that participating in this community will give you benefits BEYOND THE PHYSICAL - and help change your mental attitude, transform you emotionally, replace your old self image with a new one and boost your self-confidence in every area of your life.
We promise you that you will learn how to set and achieve fitness goals, like thousands of our members have already done, and those goal-setting skills will transfer to every area of your life. You will not just become a fitness success story, you will become a successful person.
Preview the site for up to 8 weeks on our no-risk trial. If you haven't achieved the goals you wanted for your body and seen positive changes in the rest of your life with the information Tom and the Inner Circle faculty and community shares with you, then simply e-mail us from the contact form on this website, and we will refund every penny you invested into your membership tuition, no questions asked.
This is our promise and guarantee to you,
Kyle Battis, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
Site manager, Burn The Fat Inner Circle
Tom Venuto
Author, Best-Selling Author of
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Come Join Us -- Join The Thousands Who Have Started The Fitness Journey Or Have Already Achieved Their Dream Bodies -- It's Your Turn Now
Tom and I have done our part to build this membership community from scratch. It took over three years of preparation, and effort, working day and nite, and $37,000 to pay programmers and engineers to build and update the site - it's an incredible online resource, a buzzing community for meeting supportive friends and an unbelievably exciting membership package.
Tens of thousands of people in more than 141 countries have reaped the rewards of the Burn the Fat system. Now it's your turn to grab hold of the wheel, take control of your body and steer it where you want it to go. It's time to start surging ahead, bursting through plateaus, shattering old comfort zones, breaking personal records and achieving consistent results, workout after workout, day after day!
Don't wait any longer, grab your charter membership, and get yourself on the sure path to a healthier, leaner body, and a life with more freedom, more friends, more happiness and more success.
Your Friend,
Kyle Battis,
Site Manager, Burn The Fat Inner Circle
YES! Let Me Try Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Inner Circle,
Risk-Free For 8 Weeks, at The Special Charter
Membership Rate of Only $97
Kyle and Tom: Yes! I've had enough of slow results and stagnation. I want it bad, I want it now and I'm ready to do what it takes to start seeing a dramatic change in my body, my health and my entire life!
YES, I understand that because I am ordering now, during the charter membership period, I will only be charged a one time fee of $97.00 for a 12-month membership, or I can start with a 6-month membership for only $57.00. (I save 15% on the 12 month membership, so thanks for the discount!)
YES, I understand that this is a one-time charge and that I will NOT be billed again for anything. There are no other fees, and there is no obligation to continue after my membership is over, although I can renew my membership as many times as I want, if I choose.
YES, I understand that I will get immediate access to the Inner Circle simply by filling out a registration form where I can pick my own user name and secret password (which no one else can use).
YES, I understand that this product is a private, members-only website and that I can access everything, instantly online and that some of the resources like the ebooks, meal planning tools and MP3 audios can be downloaded right to my computer.
YES, I understand that I am getting an UNLIMITED FULL ACCESS membership that includes EVERYTHING inside the Burn The Fat Inner Circle.
YES, I know I have an 8-Week, 100% Money Back Guarantee. If I'm not completely satisfied I can request a full refund, and have my entire investment returned and I will have essentially gotten two months of membership for FREE.